Apr 16, 2012

PC Monitoring Utilities

A list of tools that I have been using ever since setting up the new PC. A large majority of the tools are for monitoring hardware status such as temperatures, voltages and miscellaneous information.

Tools such as the Asus AI Suite 2 and Asus Smartdoctor came with the motherboard ( Asus P8P67-pro ) and GPU ( Asus EAH 6870 Direct cu2 ). The manufacturer tools comes with more advanced controlling features such overclocking of hardware, power consumption profiles, fan profile setup and hardware monitoring.

  • CPUID HWMonitor ( Hardware Temps, Info)
  • Open Hardware Monitor ( Hardware Temps, Info)
  • CPUID CPU-Z ( CPU Info )
  • GPU-Z ( GPU Info, Sensor Reading )
  • CrystalDiskInfo ( Disk Information )
  • HDTune ( Disk Info, Bench, Diag )
  • Speccy ( Hardware Specifications )
  • Asus AI Suite 2 ( Asus Motherboard Tool )
  • Asus Smartdoctor ( Asus GPU Tool )

Apr 9, 2012

Asus Gamer OSD problems with Fallout 3 & Metro 2033

Doesn't it just annoy you, finish installing a game and all you get is crashes :). Ever since I've started playing Metro 2033 I've started having problems with starting games. The result is usually a crash to desktop ( CTD ). I have managed to solve the problem with Metro 2033, the culprit being Asus Gamer OSD. Exiting Asus Gamer OSD only doesn't work. You would have to disable it in display properties, in advanced settings as well.