Apr 16, 2012

PC Monitoring Utilities

A list of tools that I have been using ever since setting up the new PC. A large majority of the tools are for monitoring hardware status such as temperatures, voltages and miscellaneous information.

Tools such as the Asus AI Suite 2 and Asus Smartdoctor came with the motherboard ( Asus P8P67-pro ) and GPU ( Asus EAH 6870 Direct cu2 ). The manufacturer tools comes with more advanced controlling features such overclocking of hardware, power consumption profiles, fan profile setup and hardware monitoring.

  • CPUID HWMonitor ( Hardware Temps, Info)
  • Open Hardware Monitor ( Hardware Temps, Info)
  • CPUID CPU-Z ( CPU Info )
  • GPU-Z ( GPU Info, Sensor Reading )
  • CrystalDiskInfo ( Disk Information )
  • HDTune ( Disk Info, Bench, Diag )
  • Speccy ( Hardware Specifications )
  • Asus AI Suite 2 ( Asus Motherboard Tool )
  • Asus Smartdoctor ( Asus GPU Tool )

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