Oct 3, 2011

Installing Win 7 and the System Reserved Partition

Ah, it has been awhile since I've installed any Operating System be it Windows, Linux, BSD or Solaris :) .

Nothings change much I guess, or so I thought. Popped in the Win 7 DVD and yes things have changed a lot. The setup was too easy and too simple, lol just a few clicks and it started installing. Huh, copying files already. Nice.

I just didn't like the partitioning part. The 100mb system reserved partition, reserved what? Nah nah nah I'm not having that. So after scourging the net, I found the method to remove it. Restarted installation and went to console then used diskpart, walla  all done.

Basically I set up, 80GB for Win7+Programs and the remainder as data partition. Done.

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