Jun 29, 2012

Galaxy S2 Kies stuck at "Preparing firmware update components"

Yes yes yes, well its related to the machine because I was using the desktop to upgrade the Galaxy S2 GT-I9100 to ICS.

I was stuck at this screen for quite some time. It gets stuck at "Preparing firmware update components". Looking up at forums with people having the same issue. The fix apparently, is not to use your USB 3G dongle with Kies for updating firmware. So I switched to WiFi and update progressed as expected.

The USB 3G dongle I used was a Novatel MC950D.

All is well.

Jun 8, 2012

A cheap gaming mouse for 10 dollars

My Gigabyte GM-M6980 ceased to function due to a "fall". Having to go back to a Logitech K200 mouse for gaming proved difficult. While waiting for the warranty exchange, I thought of getting a temporary gaming mouse.

It was either the newly launched Sensonic Orthros 2 for 17 dollars, non laser and switchable DPI of 800/1200/1600/2400. Another option was a Gigabyte laser mouse GM-M6880 version 1 for around the same price. But it only had two switchable DPI, 800/1600.

Apr 16, 2012

PC Monitoring Utilities

A list of tools that I have been using ever since setting up the new PC. A large majority of the tools are for monitoring hardware status such as temperatures, voltages and miscellaneous information.

Tools such as the Asus AI Suite 2 and Asus Smartdoctor came with the motherboard ( Asus P8P67-pro ) and GPU ( Asus EAH 6870 Direct cu2 ). The manufacturer tools comes with more advanced controlling features such overclocking of hardware, power consumption profiles, fan profile setup and hardware monitoring.

  • CPUID HWMonitor ( Hardware Temps, Info)
  • Open Hardware Monitor ( Hardware Temps, Info)
  • CPUID CPU-Z ( CPU Info )
  • GPU-Z ( GPU Info, Sensor Reading )
  • CrystalDiskInfo ( Disk Information )
  • HDTune ( Disk Info, Bench, Diag )
  • Speccy ( Hardware Specifications )
  • Asus AI Suite 2 ( Asus Motherboard Tool )
  • Asus Smartdoctor ( Asus GPU Tool )

Apr 9, 2012

Asus Gamer OSD problems with Fallout 3 & Metro 2033

Doesn't it just annoy you, finish installing a game and all you get is crashes :). Ever since I've started playing Metro 2033 I've started having problems with starting games. The result is usually a crash to desktop ( CTD ). I have managed to solve the problem with Metro 2033, the culprit being Asus Gamer OSD. Exiting Asus Gamer OSD only doesn't work. You would have to disable it in display properties, in advanced settings as well.

Mar 30, 2012

New Heatsink CoolerMaster Hyper 212 Evo

Since the power supply failure of my Corsair AX850, I've decided to fit in a new Heat sink for the cpu since I was going to fit in a new replacement psu.  Not that the current stock heat-sink for the i5-2500k was any bad at all, it was actually quite decent.

During the initial part of picking components for the whole setup, I was actually contemplating  of getting the Xigmatek Dark Knight Cooler. I decided not to get it at first because of not really needing it at that particular moment. Regretfully, 5 months later the Xigmatek was already bought by someone else and there was no stock available.

I was considering between the Xigmatek Dark Knight and Cooler Master Hyper 212+. Unfortunately no one seems to be selling the 212+ in my area. So in the end I was left to choose ( again ) from what was available during the time. It was the Cooler Master Hyper 212 Evo.

Mar 6, 2012

Cheap Gaming Headset: Somic E-95 WCG 2009 5.1

Nice box
I was always looking for a 5.1 headset the past few months. While I was getting a replacement power supply for my system, I went browsing for a headset too.

After shortlisting a few headsets, it really just came down to what was available at the local shops.

Was thinking of roccats or saitek headsets. Razer's? The price on these headsets were very high.

So browsing around at the shops I came across a lot of china brand headsets. One brand in particular was Somic. As usual, some brand research and model research to make informed decisions. :)

Mar 3, 2012

Corsair AX850 dead after 5 months

The professional......yeah
"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." by Lord Acton  
Well we are not really talking about that sort of power and corruption here it's really just for thought. So yeah, thats it. My Corsair AX850 power supply has died after only 5 months. Lasted only 5 months, I bought it on the the 3rd of October 2011 and it has died on the 1st of March 2012. Not what you would expect from a "premium" part that cost me Usd260. This is the most expensive component in the whole system, and for it to fail is a disappointment. They say it's just a luck of the draw. *Vent released*

Since the first week of running the new machine, the psu has made a buzzing noise. I believe they call it "capacitor whine" from the forum posts I have read online. It is fairly intermittent, haven't found anything specific to trigger it. A search on any search engines with the keyword "AX850 buzz" will yield enough results.

Updates are at the end of the blog. ( This article updated 13th June 2012. ) 

Feb 10, 2012

Fake Kingston 32gb Flash Drive

Fake it is.
The world these days. You never really now what you are going to get. So here I was, very happy from a computer fair having got myself a 32gb flash drive for Usd30 dollars. I haven't really used it much. Filled it up with some files here and there. But I never did copy any files back from it.

We've all heard about fake flash drives being sold online these days. Well "lucky me!". I guess these they are pretty much being sold offline too and everywhere. As you can see on the picture of the packaging it does not specify the capacity size on the packaging.
This model is supposed to be the DataTraveler 101 32GB. 

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." Edmund Burke